The transportation of hazardous chemicals shall strictly comply with relevant national laws, regulations, and rules. During transportation, necessary safety measures shall be taken to prevent leakage, spillage, or damage to hazardous chemicals. 1. The laboratory shall formulate an emergency plan for hazardous chemical leakage, diffusion, or accidents, and organize drills on a regular basis. 2. The hazardous chemicals management personnel are responsible for the safety management work of each stage, including procurement, storage, use, transportation, and disposal. 3. Personnel using hazardous chemicals shall be responsible for their own actions and comply with the laboratory's safety regulations and systems. 4. Those who violate the provisions of this system and cause hazardous chemical accidents or safety hazards shall be investigated for responsibility in accordance with relevant regulations. Read More

Published On 2024-09-27

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Tags: hazardous chemicals shall

Based on meteorological forecasts or actual monitoring data, the Village Flood Prevention Command Center shall issue the following alert levels: Relevant entities and personnel are requested to take immediate flood prevention measures. A Village Flood Prevention Command Center shall be established to be responsible for coordinating and directing flood prevention work throughout the village. Define the flood prevention responsibilities of personnel at all levels and implement a responsibility system. Matters not covered by this plan shall be formulated as supplementary provisions by the Village Flood Prevention Command Center based on actual conditions. This plan shall come into effect on the date of its issuance, and the Village Flood Prevention Command Center shall be responsible for its interpretation. Read More

Published On 2024-09-15

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Tags: flood Flood shall

1. Party B shall carry out the construction in strict accordance with relevant national standards and specifications. 1. Party B shall complete the construction in accordance with the time limit stipulated in the contract. 2. During the warranty period, if quality problems arise due to Party B's construction, Party B shall repair or replace them free of charge. - Should Party B fail to complete the construction on time, it shall pay liquidated damages to Party A. - Should the construction quality not meet the standards, Party B shall rework or repair it free of charge. - Should losses be caused due to Party B's construction, Party B shall bear the liability for compensation. Read More

Published On 2024-09-11

Views 2

Tags: Party shall construction

This Code specifies the basic requirements, technical requirements, and quality control measures for engineering surveying work, and is applicable to the implementation of engineering surveying work in various types of engineering construction. Surveying accuracy: The surveying results shall meet the engineering design requirements and reach the accuracy levels specified in relevant standards. Read More

Published On 2024-09-11

Views 4

Tags: surveying shall engineering

Steel rebars shall be tied in accordance with the design drawings and construction specifications. The lap splicing length of steel rebars shall comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the construction specifications. Embedded parts shall be welded or tied together with steel rebars. The materials, construction process, and finished quality of steel rebars shall be subject to enhanced inspection and supervision. Read More

Published On 2024-09-09

Views 5

Tags: shall rebars Steel

37 Ash Soil Construction Specifications These specifications apply to ash soil filling projects in construction engineering, including roadbed, site, cushion layer, and subgrade of road surface, etc. 3.3 Ash Soil Mixing Take measures to prevent dust from flying during ash soil filling, such as watering or covering. Read More

Published On 2024-09-07

Views 6

Tags: soil filling shall

1. Concrete: Shall meet the requirements of the "Code for Concrete Structure Design (GB 50010)" and "Code for Quality Acceptance of Concrete Structure Construction (GB 50204)." 2. Steel: Shall meet the requirements of the "Code for Steel Structure Design (GB 50017)" and "Code for Quality Acceptance of Steel Structure Construction (GB 50221)." 3. Beam and slab construction: Continuous pouring or segmental pouring shall be used, meeting the requirements of the "Code for Quality Acceptance of Concrete Structure Construction (GB 50204)." 3. Quality assessment: Completed bridges shall be assessed for quality in accordance with construction and acceptance specifications, and a quality assessment report shall be issued. Read More

Published On 2024-09-06

Views 11

Tags: shall construction Construction

Advance payment: After the contract takes effect, Party A shall pay Party B [Advance Payment Percentage]% of the total contract price, which is RMB [Advance Payment Amount] Yuan. Interim payment: After the Subject Matter is partially accepted and qualified, Party A shall pay Party B [Interim Payment Percentage]% of the total contract price, which is RMB [Interim Payment Amount] Yuan. Final payment: After the Subject Matter is fully accepted and qualified, Party A shall pay Party B the remaining portion of the total contract price, which is RMB [Final Payment Amount] Yuan. Party B shall be responsible for the transportation, loading, unloading, and handling of the Subject Matter. 1. Party A shall conduct acceptance of the Subject Matter within [Acceptance Period] days after receiving it. Party A shall organize personnel to conduct acceptance work for the Subject Matter, including packaging inspection, quantity counting, specification inspection, and functional testing. Daily compensation to Party B of [Breach Penalty Percentage]% of the total contract price as liquidated damages. Read More

Published On 2024-09-04

Views 7

Tags: Party contract shall

Article 1 Contracting Parties Invoice Header: Party A Name Party A shall pay the invoice amount to Party B within [Payment Term] of receiving the invoice. This Contract shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties. Invoice Issuer (Party B): Read More

Published On 2024-09-01

Views 8

Tags: Party Contract shall

WHEREAS, Contractor agrees to perform the renovations in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract. Contractor shall submit a detailed specification outlining the cost of all materials, equipment, and labor. Any changes may affect the work schedule and the Contract Price. Contractor warrants that the work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable building codes and standards. Contractor shall maintain the following insurance coverages: Read More

Published On 2024-08-30

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Tags: Contract shall Contractor

1. Party B shall be responsible for all design, material procurement, construction, installation, commissioning, and completion acceptance of the project within the scope of this Contract. 4. The progress payment shall be paid once a month and shall be calculated according to the amount of construction completed by Party B and shall be [Percentage]% of the total contract price. If it is found that the project quality does not meet the requirements, Party B shall rectify it in a timely manner. 1. After the completion of the project, Party B shall submit a completion acceptance report and related materials to Party A. 1. If Party B fails to complete the project on time, Party A shall have the right to charge Party B a penalty of [Percentage]%‰ of the total contract price for each day of delay. 3. If Party A fails to pay the construction fee on time, Party B shall have the right to suspend construction and request Party A to pay a penalty of [Percentage]%‰ of the total contract price. Read More

Published On 2024-08-30

Views 8

Tags: Party shall construction

Hydropower Project Third-Party Inspection Contract 3.1 Party B shall strictly follow relevant national codes, standards, and technical requirements in conducting inspections of the project. 5.2 Party A shall pay the inspection costs within (Number) days of receiving Party B's invoice. 7.1 Both parties shall keep confidential the inspection data, information, and technical materials of this project. 8.2 If Party B fails to submit the inspection report on time, it shall pay liquidated damages, at the rate of (Amount per Day). Read More

Published On 2024-08-22

Views 11

Tags: Party shall inspection

Party B shall complete the project construction according to the progress agreed in the contract. 3. Completion payment: After the project is completed and accepted, Party A shall pay Party B the remaining contract amount after deducting the advance payment and progress payment. Party A shall pay the project payment as agreed in the contract. Party B has the obligation to complete the project construction as agreed in the contract and ensure the project quality. 1. Breach of contract liability of Party A: If Party A fails to pay the project payment as agreed in the contract, Party B has the right to suspend the construction. Read More

Published On 2024-08-21

Views 9

Tags: Party contract shall

Party B shall purchase Materials in accordance with the "Materials Procurement List" in the Appendix of this Contract. Party B shall conduct qualification review of suppliers in accordance with the "Supplier Qualification Requirements" in the Appendix of this Contract. Party B shall deliver Materials to Party A in accordance with the "Delivery Schedule" in the Appendix of this Contract. In the event of late delivery, Party B shall assume the breach of contract liability. Party A shall make payment to Party B for the contract amount within [Number] days upon delivery of Materials by Party B and acceptance by Party A. If the Materials provided by Party B do not meet the requirements of the Contract, Party A shall have the right to return the Materials or require Party B to assume the loss. Read More

Published On 2024-08-20

Views 12

Tags: Party Contract shall

Party B shall strictly carry out grinding operations in accordance with Party A's requirements and the contract. Party B shall complete the project tasks in a timely manner, ensuring project quality and schedule. Party A shall organize acceptance in a timely manner, evaluating Party B's completed project. Party A shall pay the project payment in accordance with the contract. Upon completion of the project, a joint acceptance shall be conducted by Party A and Party B. Party A shall pay the project payment within ________ working days after receiving Party B's settlement statement. Read More

Published On 2024-08-20

Views 18

Tags: Party shall project

Intelligent Building Engineering Construction Quality Inspection Acceptance Standard 1. This standard applies to the quality inspection acceptance of intelligent building engineering construction. - The preliminary inspection shall review construction drawings, technical documents, test reports, etc. - System debugging inspection shall be carried out in accordance with system design requirements for functional, performance, and safety tests. - Comply with the provisions of the "Building Engineering Construction Quality Inspection Acceptance Standard" (GB50300). Read More

Published On 2024-08-18

Views 16

Tags: inspection Inspection shall

Fair Intermediation: The Intermediary shall treat the Buyer and Seller impartially, without favoring either party. Paying Intermediation Commission: The Buyer shall pay the Intermediary a commission in accordance with the agreed-upon terms of the contract. Commission Payment: The commission shall be paid to the Intermediary by the Supplier after the Buyer and Seller have signed a contract and after the Buyer has received the coal and paid the Supplier for the goods. Read More

Published On 2024-08-18

Views 12

Tags: Buyer shall Intermediary

The Buyer shall pay the Seller the [Payment Method] within [Number of Days] days of the execution of this Agreement. The Seller shall deliver the items to the Buyer within [Number of Days] days of receipt of payment from the Buyer. If the Seller fails to deliver the items on time, the Buyer shall have the right to require the Seller to pay [Penalty]. Read More

Published On 2024-08-17

Views 13

Tags: Buyer Seller shall

Article 1 Contract Name Article 2 Parties to the Contract 1. The Contractor shall pay a performance bond to the Employer within 10 working days of the effective date of the Contract, in the amount of % of the Contract Price. If the Contractor breaches the Contract, the Employer shall have the right to retain the performance bond. 1. The Construction Period shall be from the starting date of the Works Notice issued by the Employer to the completion date of the Works, for a total of days. 2. The Construction Period shall be calculated from the date the Employer issues the Work Notice. 1. The Contractor shall carry out the construction in accordance with the current national regulations, standards and construction drawings and technical specifications provided by the Employer, and ensure that the quality of the Works meets the national or industry acceptance standards, reaching the qualified or excellent level. This Contract shall take effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties. Read More

Published On 2024-08-11

Views 14

Tags: shall Contract Article

Mobilize equipment and materials, including bridge erection equipment, concrete mixer trucks, formwork, reinforcing steel, and concrete. Formwork connections shall be strong and reliable to prevent grout leakage during concrete pouring. The bridge erection equipment shall lift and place bridge superstructure components into their designated positions as per design requirements. Check the quality of formwork erection, reinforcing steel installation, and concrete pouring. Read More

Published On 2024-08-11

Views 15

Tags: shall concrete construction

Total 8 Pages Total 153 Records