3. Complete the project within the Contract duration. 2. Subcontract: Party B may subcontract part of the project to qualified units, but Party B shall be responsible for the quality and safety of the subcontracted work. 2. Contract price and project duration adjustments caused by project changes shall be negotiated and determined within [Change Adjustment Duration] days after the change occurs. 1. After Party B completes the entire project, it shall notify Party A for acceptance. - Failure to provide design documents as per the Contract, liquidated damages shall be calculated based on the number of days of delay in the project schedule. - If the quality of the project does not meet the Contract requirements, Party A has the right to request Party B to rework or compensate for losses. 1. If Party A and Party B have any disputes over the interpretation and performance of the Contract, they shall resolve them through negotiation. Read More

Published On 2024-09-15

Views 1

Tags: Party Contract project

1. Party B shall carry out the construction in strict accordance with relevant national standards and specifications. 1. Party B shall complete the construction in accordance with the time limit stipulated in the contract. 2. During the warranty period, if quality problems arise due to Party B's construction, Party B shall repair or replace them free of charge. - Should Party B fail to complete the construction on time, it shall pay liquidated damages to Party A. - Should the construction quality not meet the standards, Party B shall rework or repair it free of charge. - Should losses be caused due to Party B's construction, Party B shall bear the liability for compensation. Read More

Published On 2024-09-11

Views 2

Tags: Party shall construction

1.1 This contract constitutes a contract between Party A (Developer) and Party B (Contractor) for the construction of the [Project Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") which Party A (Developer) has contracted to Party B (Contractor). 4.1 Party B (Contractor) shall commence work on [Start Date] and shall complete the Project and deliver it to Party A (Developer) on [Completion Date]. 5.1 Party A (Developer) shall pay Party B (Contractor) the contract price in installments as follows: 6.1 Party B (Contractor) shall construct the Project in accordance with the design drawings, construction specifications, and relevant national standards to ensure that the quality of the Project meets the requirements. Read More

Published On 2024-09-10

Views 3

Tags: Party Contractor Project

1. Project Name: 4. Be responsible for the quality and warranty of the completed project. 5. Be responsible for any losses caused by delayed projects or changes due to Party A's reasons. Project Payment 3. Warranty Liability: During the warranty period, the contractor shall be responsible for repairing or compensating for any losses caused by project quality issues. Project Acceptance Read More

Published On 2024-09-08

Views 6

Tags: Project project Party

1. Project Name: - Failure to Provide Materials as Agreed: Party B shall be entitled to claim compensation for losses if the delay in the Project is caused by such failure. 2. Liability for Breach of Contract by Party B: - Subcontracting or Dividing the Project Without Party A's Consent: Party A shall have the right to terminate the Contract and claim compensation for losses. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through negotiation between the Parties. Read More

Published On 2024-09-06

Views 7

Tags: Party Contract Project

Article 1 Parties to the Contract To inspect and supervise Party B's project construction progress and quality. To pursue Party B's liability for breach of contract. Article 9 Rights of Party B Article 10 Obligations of Party B Article 13 Liability for Breach of Contract by Party A Article 14 Liability for Breach of Contract by Party B Read More

Published On 2024-09-04

Views 6

Tags: Party Article Contract

Advance payment: After the contract takes effect, Party A shall pay Party B [Advance Payment Percentage]% of the total contract price, which is RMB [Advance Payment Amount] Yuan. Interim payment: After the Subject Matter is partially accepted and qualified, Party A shall pay Party B [Interim Payment Percentage]% of the total contract price, which is RMB [Interim Payment Amount] Yuan. Final payment: After the Subject Matter is fully accepted and qualified, Party A shall pay Party B the remaining portion of the total contract price, which is RMB [Final Payment Amount] Yuan. Party B shall be responsible for the transportation, loading, unloading, and handling of the Subject Matter. 1. Party A shall conduct acceptance of the Subject Matter within [Acceptance Period] days after receiving it. Party A shall organize personnel to conduct acceptance work for the Subject Matter, including packaging inspection, quantity counting, specification inspection, and functional testing. Daily compensation to Party B of [Breach Penalty Percentage]% of the total contract price as liquidated damages. Read More

Published On 2024-09-04

Views 7

Tags: Party contract shall

Article 1 Contracting Parties Invoice Header: Party A Name Party A shall pay the invoice amount to Party B within [Payment Term] of receiving the invoice. This Contract shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties. Invoice Issuer (Party B): Read More

Published On 2024-09-01

Views 8

Tags: Party Contract shall

- Remaining payment: The remaining payment of [Remaining Payment Amount] Yuan shall be paid when Party B completes the transfer of property rights for the Subject Matter. 2. Transfer time: Party B shall cooperate with Party A to complete the transfer of property rights for the Subject Matter on [Time]. - If Party A fails to deliver the Subject Matter on the agreed delivery date, Party A shall pay Party B a penalty of [Penalty Amount] Yuan per day. - If Party A is unable to deliver the Subject Matter or if there is a defect in the property rights of the Subject Matter, Party A shall refund all payments received to Party B and pay a penalty equal to [Multiple] times the payments received. Read More

Published On 2024-08-31

Views 12

Tags: Party Subject Matter

1. Party B shall be responsible for all design, material procurement, construction, installation, commissioning, and completion acceptance of the project within the scope of this Contract. 4. The progress payment shall be paid once a month and shall be calculated according to the amount of construction completed by Party B and shall be [Percentage]% of the total contract price. If it is found that the project quality does not meet the requirements, Party B shall rectify it in a timely manner. 1. After the completion of the project, Party B shall submit a completion acceptance report and related materials to Party A. 1. If Party B fails to complete the project on time, Party A shall have the right to charge Party B a penalty of [Percentage]%‰ of the total contract price for each day of delay. 3. If Party A fails to pay the construction fee on time, Party B shall have the right to suspend construction and request Party A to pay a penalty of [Percentage]%‰ of the total contract price. Read More

Published On 2024-08-30

Views 8

Tags: Party shall construction

2. Party A accepts Party C's entrustment and agrees to provide intermediary services to Party C to facilitate the conclusion of the Contract between Party C and the Contractor. 1. Party A has the right to receive the intermediary fee from Party C, but may only receive it after facilitating the conclusion of the Contract between Party C and the Contractor. 3. Party B shall not directly or indirectly enter into any form of contract with Party C or the Contractor during the intermediary process. 2. Party C has the obligation to provide Party A with accurate project information and cooperation requirements, and to assist Party A in completing the intermediary task. 2. If, due to the fault of Party B, Party A is unable to facilitate the conclusion of the Contract between Party C and the Contractor, Party B shall bear the corresponding breach of contract liability. Read More

Published On 2024-08-22

Views 12

Tags: Party Contractor Intermediary

Hydropower Project Third-Party Inspection Contract 3.1 Party B shall strictly follow relevant national codes, standards, and technical requirements in conducting inspections of the project. 5.2 Party A shall pay the inspection costs within (Number) days of receiving Party B's invoice. 7.1 Both parties shall keep confidential the inspection data, information, and technical materials of this project. 8.2 If Party B fails to submit the inspection report on time, it shall pay liquidated damages, at the rate of (Amount per Day). Read More

Published On 2024-08-22

Views 11

Tags: Party shall inspection

Party B shall complete the project construction according to the progress agreed in the contract. 3. Completion payment: After the project is completed and accepted, Party A shall pay Party B the remaining contract amount after deducting the advance payment and progress payment. Party A shall pay the project payment as agreed in the contract. Party B has the obligation to complete the project construction as agreed in the contract and ensure the project quality. 1. Breach of contract liability of Party A: If Party A fails to pay the project payment as agreed in the contract, Party B has the right to suspend the construction. Read More

Published On 2024-08-21

Views 9

Tags: Party contract shall

Party B shall purchase Materials in accordance with the "Materials Procurement List" in the Appendix of this Contract. Party B shall conduct qualification review of suppliers in accordance with the "Supplier Qualification Requirements" in the Appendix of this Contract. Party B shall deliver Materials to Party A in accordance with the "Delivery Schedule" in the Appendix of this Contract. In the event of late delivery, Party B shall assume the breach of contract liability. Party A shall make payment to Party B for the contract amount within [Number] days upon delivery of Materials by Party B and acceptance by Party A. If the Materials provided by Party B do not meet the requirements of the Contract, Party A shall have the right to return the Materials or require Party B to assume the loss. Read More

Published On 2024-08-20

Views 12

Tags: Party Contract shall

Party B shall strictly carry out grinding operations in accordance with Party A's requirements and the contract. Party B shall complete the project tasks in a timely manner, ensuring project quality and schedule. Party A shall organize acceptance in a timely manner, evaluating Party B's completed project. Party A shall pay the project payment in accordance with the contract. Upon completion of the project, a joint acceptance shall be conducted by Party A and Party B. Party A shall pay the project payment within ________ working days after receiving Party B's settlement statement. Read More

Published On 2024-08-20

Views 18

Tags: Party shall project

Mario Party 6 (2004): The first game in the series released on the GameCube, adding new boards and minigames, as well as a single-player adventure mode called "Star Scramble." Mario Party 8 (2007): The first game in the series released on the Wii, introducing new boards, minigames, and a multiplayer mode called "Star Battle." Mario Party: Star Rush (2017): The first game in the series released on the Nintendo Switch, introducing new boards and minigames, as well as a "Luigi Party Mode" where players could play cooperatively with Luigi and his friends. Read More

Published On 2024-08-18

Views 12

Tags: Party Mario series

Party Games Party Games have numerous benefits, such as: By downloading Party Games, you can elevate your party experience, promote social interaction, and bring joy to all participants. Read More

Published On 2024-08-16

Views 15

Tags: Games Party game

Article 2 Contracting Parties Party A authorizes Party B to supervise the construction of the following electrical power engineering project: Party B shall be responsible for supervising the following aspects of the project: Party A shall pay Party B's supervision fees as follows: 1. Require Party B to provide supervision services in accordance with the Contract; Article 10 Rights of Party B Article 11 Obligations of Party B This Contract shall take effect from the date of signing and sealing by both parties. Read More

Published On 2024-08-11

Views 14

Tags: Contract Party Article

1. If Party A fails to deliver the property on time, it shall pay Party B a penalty fee of [Enter Penalty Fee Amount] Yuan per day. 2. If Party B fails to pay the property price on time, it shall pay Party A a penalty fee of [Enter Penalty Fee Amount] Yuan per day. Signature: [Enter Party B's Signature] Date: [Enter Party B's Signature Date] Read More

Published On 2024-08-09

Views 12

Tags: Enter Property Party

Waterproofing Layer Construction: - Perform waterproofing layer construction according to the technical requirements of the waterproofing materials. - Waterproofing layer thickness, lap width, and termination treatment shall meet the design requirements and standard norms. Party B shall ensure that the quality of the project meets the [Quality Grade]. Party B shall provide [Warranty Period] years of warranty service for the waterproofing project. Any disputes arising from this Contract shall be resolved through friendly consultation between the parties. Read More

Published On 2024-08-09

Views 13

Tags: shall Party layer

Total 6 Pages Total 101 Records