Published: July 30, 2024, 9:37 a.m.
Clicks: 18

Contract for Construction Project Management

Party A (Client): [Party A Name]

Party B (Contractor): [Party B Name]


This contract is entered into on [Date of Signing] at [Place of Signing] by and between Party A and Party B, regarding Party B’s performance of construction work for the [Project Name] project, as agreed upon by both parties.

Article 1 Project Overview

  1. Project Name: [Project Name]
  2. Project Location: [Project Location]
  3. Project Scope: [Detailed Project Scope]
  4. Project Cost: RMB [Project Cost] Yuan (in words: [Project Cost in Words])

Article 2 Project Period

  1. Party B shall commence construction immediately upon the commencement of this contract.
  2. Project Completion Date: [Completion Date]
  3. Liability for Project Delays: If Party B causes a delay in the project, Party B shall pay Party A a daily penalty of [Penalty Amount] Yuan, in addition to assuming any other losses incurred as a result.

Article 3 Materials and Equipment

  1. Material Procurement: Party B shall be responsible for purchasing materials that meet national standards and Party A’s requirements and shall provide relevant certificates of conformity.
  2. Equipment Installation: Party B shall be responsible for installing equipment that meets design requirements and shall provide warranty.
  3. Material and Equipment Acceptance: Upon delivery of materials and equipment to the site, Party A shall inspect them, and Party B shall provide the corresponding warranty documents.

Article 4 Payment Method

  1. Advance Payment: Upon signing the contract, Party A shall pay Party B 20% of the project cost as an advance payment.
  2. Interim Payment: When the project progress reaches 50%, Party A shall pay Party B 50% of the project cost.
  3. Final Payment: Upon satisfactory completion and acceptance of the project, Party A shall pay Party B the remaining 30% of the project cost.

Article 5 Project Changes

  1. Project changes must be agreed upon by both parties in writing through a Change Order.
  2. If project changes result in adjustments to the project period or project cost, both parties shall promptly negotiate and determine the new project period or project cost.

Article 6 Project Quality

  1. Party B shall strictly adhere to national standards and industry regulations during construction to ensure project quality.
  2. Upon project completion, Party B shall provide a warranty document for project quality, with a warranty period of [Warranty Period].
  3. During the warranty period, if any quality issues arise with the project, Party B shall repair or replace them free of charge.

Article 7 Safety Responsibilities

  1. Party B shall strictly abide by safety production regulations and ensure safety at the construction site.
  2. Party B shall equip the site with necessary safety precautions and provide regular safety training for construction personnel.
  3. Party B shall assume full responsibility for any accidents resulting from its safety responsibilities.

Article 8 Rights and Obligations of Both Parties

  1. Party A’s Rights: To supervise and inspect project quality, request project changes, and pay for the project.
  2. Party A’s Obligations: To provide design drawings and relevant documents, and to assist Party B with construction.
  3. Party B’s Rights: To perform construction in accordance with the contract, collect payment for the project, and request assistance from Party A with construction.
  4. Party B’s Obligations: To comply with safety production regulations, ensure project quality, and promptly resolve project quality issues.

Article 9 Liability for Breach of Contract

  1. Should either party breach this contract and cause losses to the other party, the breaching party shall bear the corresponding liability.
  2. Penalty Calculation: Penalties shall be calculated in accordance with the amount agreed upon in the contract or the actual losses incurred.

Article 10 Dispute Resolution

  1. In the event of a dispute between the parties, it shall first be resolved through friendly consultation.
  2. If consultation fails, either party may apply to [Arbitration Institution Name] for arbitration.

Article 11 Miscellaneous

  1. This contract shall be executed in [Number] copies, with each party holding [Number] copies, all of which shall have equal legal effect.
  2. This contract shall take effect on the date of signature and sealing by both parties and shall terminate upon satisfactory completion and acceptance of the project.

Party A:

Name: [Party A Name]

Representative: [Party A Representative Name]

Telephone: [Party A Telephone]

Party B:

Name: [Party B Name]

Representative: [Party B Representative Name]

Telephone: [Party B Telephone]

Signatures and Seals:

Party A: Party B:

Date: Date:
